You too can create your own Designer Home

With real estate growing like never before, the scope for interior designing is also increasing. The field is emerging as a very lucrative profession

The courses available for interior designing vary accordingly. Anand Ramakrishnan, Lecturer, School of Interior Design, CEPT University, said, 'There is lot of options which a student can pursue to build a career in interior designing

If you have a technical mind coupled with a creative bent to create a structured and defined environment, then the key to unlock the professional door of interior designing lies with you. A highly innovative, multi-faceted profession, it is one of the most upcoming career choices, which involves the process of thinking out-of-the-box, integrating knowledge and putting forth the best within the available space.

The gamut and the resources within which the interior designers work ultimately helps them to satisfy the need of the clients. A designer develops theme of the home, according to the requirement of the customers which they can easily connect to. A career in interior designing avails large scope and opportunities for the students.


Bachelors, diplomas, masters degree etc are available. But, a student needs to be aware of the shortened versions of the course to ensure he gets a proper degree and a platform for building a good career.' He further said that the fee of the institutes offering such courses vary depending upon the institutions and even the city.

'Also, the package offered to a fresher from the field depends upon the firm, city, nature of work and other factors. Still a student can expect to earn somewhere between 10,000-12,000 or even 20,000-25,000 as a starting pay,' he added.

The course is accessible for students in different durations. A post-graduate programme of two years, bachelors degree, integrated courses and six-month diploma are available for the students, and hence the aspirants get options to choose from.

For post-graduate degree, usually graduates from architecture and fine arts are preferred. Apart from that, a student has an option of joining dip loma courses even after completing class XII. But for extensive options, a proper postgraduate degree is advisable.

Ramakrishna Rao, faculty and co-coordinator of furniture and interior design discipline, National Institute of Design (NID), said, 'There are lots of opportunities for students to explore in interior designing. With the real estate sector booming like anything, more and more people are buying plots.

People are also ready to spend on decorating the interiors of their house. This explains the demand for interior designers. It is among the higher income groups that the demand for designers is more as they can afford and want to customize their households with bea utiful architectures.'

Modular kitchens, unique furnitures, feng shui, home accessories, aesthetic and artistic looks for mirrors and decorative articles are few of the demands of the customers, for beautifying their homes and enhancing the charm of their abode.

There are many fields that an interior designer can afford to work. The working conditions and the kind of field chosen by the designer are based upon his personal interests and talents, and would differ depending upon the organisation and the type of work, he is undertaking. A person has a plate of options to choose from in this field.

'Many options are open for a person after completing interior designing course. A person can join manufacturing sector, work with architectural houses, join real estate business or can freelance (work as a selfemployed designer),' said Rao. Apart from the above-mentioned, healthcare designing is also one upcoming field where lot of emphasis needs to be paid on the placement of medicines, accessories and medical equipment.

The field of interior designing has seen immense growth, especially due to boom in real estate business. The field, due to its creative demand and thoughtful application, is emerging as one of the potential career options and is seen as a profession which offers lucrative sums.

This field is rather challenging, as an interior designer has to deal with many aspects like colours, lights, properties, the appearance of the final product, furnitures and accessories etc.

But, the most important aspect is to satisfy the customer within his desires and limitations.

10 things men don't understand about women

10 things men don't understand about women

Our feminine mystique can often leave guys scratching their heads, but we wouldn't have it any other way
Some say that men are from Mars and women are from Venus and in terms of us being different, they weren't far from the truth.Yes, we do have to spend two hours getting ready, and looking at every single pair of shoes in the shopping centre before making a decision.

Here are 10 things that men probably won't ever understand about us girls.

We know we're only going to mess it up again when we get back in it later on, but we still like to leave it neat and tidy, alright lads?

We always like to feel our best when heading out of the house, no matter how much men protest about how long it takes for us to get ready. Yes, we do need to apply lipstick even if we're only going to the supermarket - because we're worth it.

We know we often go shopping, see a pair of shoes we love but insist on trawling the whole street just in case there's a pair we like even more before buying the pair we looked at originally. Well, we couldn't go home wondering 'what if?', could we?

Men take note: women do actually count how many kisses you put on the end of your text messages, and yes, it does mean something to us, like exactly how much you like us.

 Men take note: women do actually count how many kisses you put on the end of your text messages, and yes, it does mean something to us, like exactly how much you like us.

 This is an age-old mystery - and one that isn't likely to be solved anytime in the near future. Fart jokes simply aren't funny unless you're a bloke.

Just because we already have one of everything, it doesn't mean that we don't need at least another three of each, just in case.

Now we don't expect men to understand this one because they've never been through it themselves, but it's something we don't have control over, so it's best to stay out of our way when it's happening.

 The size of our shoe collections has baffled men for decades, but we just have to have a pair that matches everything we own - it's a basic human right after all.

Men have been holding doors open for us since the dawn of, well, doors and we still love it when they do. Only thing is, we like it when it suits us - because we're independent women these days, fellas.

10 signs she is interested in you

10 signs she is interested in you

Tell-tale signs to gauge if that flirtatious female is into you
It's one of the big imponderables of male life. Is she interested or not?
OK, sometimes it's obvious. You approach her and she walks in the opposite direction, for instance. Or - on the other side of the coin - she gazes into your eyes and tells you how interesting/attractive/incredible you are.
But that doesn't happen very often. Most of the time women are unwilling to appear too keen, for fear of rejection and humiliation. So the clues that she's interested - that this is prey worth pursuing - are often subtle and refined.

And if you know what they are, you can act accordingly, whether that means giving it up as a lost cause or giving it your best shot. With that in mind, here are 10 less-than-obvious ways to know she's interested.

She gives you a taste
Of her steak (what else!) if you're in a restaurant, or her cocktail, or her ice cream, or whatever it might be. If she lets you take it from her fork or spoon or suck from her straw, even better. She's not in the least bothered by swapping saliva with you, and that has to be a good sign. If nothing else, your personal hygiene isn't putting her off.

She calls you Andy/Dave/Steve
We don't mean she gets your name wrong (that's probably not a good sign). But if she avoids using the silly nickname she's heard your mates calling you and uses your first name, it's saying something good.
Because if to her you're Dave not Dogbreath, it means she doesn't want to be just another one of your mates, which could in turn mean she wants something a little more intimate.

She responds quickly
 If you're dating online, a speedy response is always a good sign, says Kate Taylor, relationship expert for
"Generally, look at her actions rather than her words; if she's replying to your emails within 48 hours, she likes you, even if it's just with a smiley face, or a couple of words."

She sits forward
Look for signs that talking with you is as thrilling to her as watching a good movie. She laughs long and loud at a joke. She gasps or raises her eyebrows when you come to the climax of a good story. She sits on the edge of her seat, subconsciously trying to get as close to the action (you) as possible.

She keeps it brief
Once initial contact has been made - in either the real or virtual world - she may keep texts and emails brief. Don't be put off, says Taylor.
"Wary of seeming too keen, many girls will keep their emails brief and light-hearted online, so don't be put off by any brevity. Ask to meet in person and take it from there."
Brevity might in fact be a good sign. She's desperately trying to appear relaxed.

She looks at you, sort of
So you're talking to her and she doesn't spend the whole time gazing into your eyes. She's not interested, right?
Not necessarily. "Don't expect lots of direct eye contact, many girls are too shy for this," says Kate Taylor. "But if she likes you you'll always be in her line of sight, even if she's lowered her eyes and just has you in her peripheral vision."

She uses body language
Look out for the usual body language clues. If you're anxious to see obvious signs of attraction, you may miss these, but they could be telling you exactly what you want to know.
"In effect, if she enjoys talking to you her body language will open up," says Taylor. "She'll lower her drink, uncross her arms and stand or sit so her torso is directed towards you. She may make self-grooming gestures (like smoothing her hair or clothes), and smile widely so you can see her top and bottom teeth."

She ignores interruptions
Her friend comes over and she half listens, then says she'll be over in a while. Her mobile rings and she glances quickly at the screen before declining the call, or even better ignores it altogether. She goes to the toilet and comes straight back, even if she has to pass her mates on the way. Obvious perhaps, but these signs are all too easy to miss if you're not looking out for them.

5 ways to impress your boss

Are you too worried about the threat of nuclear war to notice that your own house is burning down? Too often, people spend more time at work concerned with things they have no control over, to the detriment of competently dealing with the things they do. While it may be true that rapid changes in the marketplace have kept many on edge for what tomorrow may bring, it's important to stay focused on what's happening now. This, of course, doesn't mean you shouldn't plan for tomorrow. It just means that the best way to prepare for tomorrow is by taking care of today. To impress your boss and get your work done efficiently, begin by prioritizing your workload. This will mean different things for different people. Perhaps you need to cut checks that are due on Friday. If it's now Thursday, you should focus on this task rather than the financial statements due at the end of the quarter. Sometimes what is due first doesn't necessarily need to be done first. Using this system for prioritizing can have its pitfalls. Smaller projects that don't require much time and sweat-equity can often be tabled when larger projects loom. So, what should you do first? Well, that's a question you'll have to answer yourself. Here are 

five suggestions to help you balance priorities:

To impress your boss and get your work done efficiently, begin by prioritizing your workload. This will mean different things for different people. Perhaps you need to cut checks that are due on Friday. If it's now Thursday, you should focus on this task rather than the financial statements due at the end of the quarter. So, what should you do first? Well, that's a question you'll have to answer yourself. Here are five suggestions to help you balance priorities:

1. Write down your assignments. While many people use their computer's built-in program to track projects, there's still nothing like having those projects written on a small whiteboard to keep on track. Put the whiteboard on a wall at eye-level in an area of your office that naturally attracts your gaze. Printing out documents is a great way also to keep projects from slipping through the cracks without having to constantly check your computer-generated list. 
2. Don't record routine tasks. Checking your email is an example. Everyone has routines that don't need to be written down.

3. Begin your day by referencing your written checklist. You should have sections marked that allow you to update important phases of your projects.

4. Don't make promises you can't keep. Be realistic and honest about the length of time it may take you to complete certain tasks. This will relieve stress and allow the time you need to properly and efficiently turn in quality work. Meeting deadlines is much easier when proper time expectations are implemented.

5. Manage your time properly. If you seem to be constantly coming up against the clock, consider checking into a time-management resource that may help determine why. Many times it is just a matter of a small adjustment here or there to what you're already doing.

Summing up: Perhaps the best way to keep things on track is to not let day-to-day distractions keep you from your work. Office gossip, Twitter, and Facebook are sure ways of falling behind, so avoid them as best you can while on the clock.

Networking Your Way To A Job

No matter how well you know how to fix a computer, you might lose a job to a guy who only knows how to CTRL+ALT+DEL.  He knows the right people.

Getting that job is not about what you know, but rather who you know. It’s important to make effort to fill that missing link between your resume and a plush office.

Here’s how you do it.

Start early
Start networking in college. There are professional societies in college which act as a bridge between the academic and the industrial world, and give you insight into many opportunities and career. you’ll also meet several people that you might need in the real world. 

Other useful contacts include your parents, your friends' parents, and your alumni associations. 

Look closer around your house
Before looking far and wide for a contact, scout your neighborhood. Someone you already know might just be that link between you and your dream job. Keep your ears open and be outgoing. Even if you don’t get a contact, you might make a very good friend. It’s a win-win situation.
Make it a point to accompany your dad for some of his gatherings. Friends of fathers often make for useful people to network with. And your dad’s buddy might just have a pretty daughter. 

In the professional environment
Always keep your card handy at important meetings and conferences and exchange contact details with anyone you find useful and influential. It’ll help if you jot down some tit-bits of information about this person at the back of the visiting card, so that when you call him a few months later, you have something to talk about and don’t straight away go “Hey bro, I need a job.”

 Say it right
Once you make that all-important phone call, make sure to project yourself and your requirements well. Here are a few pointers.

 Don’t waste too much time to get to the point, especially if you are calling during office hours. If you are looking for a job, tell them that you are looking towards "exploring a new job opportunity."
 Prepare a brief and succinct statement of your requirements and the help you would like.
 Give a brief review of your background and qualifications.
 Even if this person can't help you, ask for contacts of people who might be useful.
 If he says that he will "Look into it", it’s up to you to follow up. Remember that getting you a job is not this person’s priority. It’s yours.

Online Networking

Sites like LinkedIn, Ryze and the Indian version, Brijj, are powerful tools to expand your business network. Be careful about what you mention on your profile. No one wants to know how many dogs you have.They are only interested in is how qualified, experienced and business savvy you are. Don’t hesitate to drop names and show off your achievements and abilities in your profile. It’s de rigueur to glorify your business and professional abilities.

General tips

 Exchange business cards whenever you meet someone.
 Always carry a positive attitude and look forward to meeting people. You never know when you may come across people who know of a vacancy. A pen in your pocket and a few business cards in your wallet - that should do the trick.
 Don’t hesitate to approach people. You have nothing to loose.
 Don’t hesitate to help others either. It’ll surprise you how well people remember favours.
 Preserve your network’s ‘staying power’ by obtaining their personal cell-phone numbers or at least their personal email id’s, just in case they leave their companies and move on to bigger things.
 Stay in touch with everyone in your network through the odd phone-call or a postcard.
 Show appreciation for the help you receive, not only to those you help you directly, but also the ones who have contributed indirectly by providing you with contacts.
More than firing off hopeful emails,Networking requires time and effort to get results. Socializing and communication with people is as much a part of your job as the actual job itself.

What Your Resume Says About You

Gone are the days of the Curriculum Vitae, which ranged anywhere between three and five pages.

 Short and sweet is how things work today. Studies say that recruiters spend an average of under ten seconds looking at a candidate’s application. In such a scenario, it is obvious that we need to be clear and concise. Long, drawn out sections will not get us any plus points with the recruiter.

Recruiters also have a knack of knowing what kind of a person one is, merely by glancing at a resume. The basics can be gleaned from our writing style and the way we present our skills and qualifications. So what is it about a resume that really catches the eye of the employer?

1. Too Much Information
In an eagerness to impress, we may end up giving out more information than actually required for the purpose. As we mentioned earlier – clear and concise is the way to go. We don’t want the employer to think that we lack the ability to be selective and prioritize.

2. Be Specific
The resume should be tailor made for every job we apply to. A generic and vague resume does not speak about our specific skill sets; and does not portray the exact reason why we think we’re the best for the job. It isn’t wise to leave the recruiter with the complete set of talents we possess, and that we may do well anywhere. It is all about convincing the company that we are the one they need. Adaptability is the keyword.

3. Language
When the words required are few, all are equally significant. The resume is not where we want to make typos and grammatical errors. It’ll make the recruiter think that we do not pay attention to details, minor as they may be. Use the right word to portray the right meaning, and ensure that no mistakes creep in.

4. False information
This is one something that must not be a part of our resume – at ANY cost. Employers always have a way of finding out what potential candidates have been up to in the past. Even a white lie can label a recruit as dishonest. Trust issues will only make things difficult for us. Remember, first impression is the last impression.

5. A little professionalism, please
No recruiter wants to come across an email address of the likes of “”. It is a tell-tale sign of unprofessionalism. The preferred e-mail address for job seeking purposes should consist only of your first name and last name, or a variation of your name if the former is not possible.

6. Strong profile
The highlighting factor in any resume is a strong profile. Get down to the point – state what was the designation and profile at the previous company. All our qualifications will be without any direction if we do not clarify our profile and what exactly we have done and are capable of doing. A killer profile has a direct impact on the employer’s mind and helps creates a positive image.

7. Achievements
A job recruiter will not be interested in dance competitions we have won in the fifth grade. Be specific, talk about the projects you undertook and oversaw at your previous company; or speak about the research and projects you did at college level, if you are a fresher. Talk about specific achievements which demonstrate that we have qualities required for the job.

A good resume focuses on the job profile we are applying to; and not our career objectives as an individual. There is a very fine line between the two, and this fine line makes all the difference between our resume getting shortlisted and getting trashed. Go for the sleek 1 to 2 page version. We have to let the employer know that we are serious about getting the job and they just cannot let go of us!


Beauty tips for daily make-overs

We all use cosmetics on a daily basis. But are we using them the right way? Experts share their most-guarded secrets for shiny hair, fuller lips and flawless skin. Take a look and follow these beauty tips

 "Use a tinted moisturiser instead of foundation. It easily blends into your skin, gives a flawless, dewy finish and doesn't look heavy and made-up." Namrata Soni

"If you're colouring your hair dark, make sure that it's not the same shade from the roots to the tips. Add some shade variation to make it look closer to 'natural'." Rod Anker

"Instead of blow-drying, which can make hair dry, use Velcro rollers after towel drying your hair and let it dry naturally. Rollers are a great styling tool for boosting volume and creating loose curls, while minimising frizz." Daniel Bauer

"Apply a thin layer of skin primer before applying any make-up it'll help your skin look flawless and even-toned. And, as a rule, always wear sunscreen." Samantha Kochhar

"Well-groomed, medium-tothick brows are in right now. Pluck only extra hairs below the ridge, keeping the beginnings bushy. When using a pencil to fill in your brows, use tones of brown instead of black." Anil Chinappa.

"Our skin and scalp tend to feel stretched and itchy whenever there's a change in weather. Use freshly squeezed Aloe Vera gel to keep your skin hydrated. Massage a generous dollop on your scalp or use it as a pack on your body or face and let it dry naturally." Samantha Kochhar 

"Use a lip balm or moisturiser on lips 15 mins before applying lipstick for better, long-lasting colour. Use a lighter shade of gloss in the centre of your lower lip to give more dimension to your pout and make it look fuller." Clint Fernandes

"Never use conditioner on your scalp as it will make your hair limp and flat. Apply only on the cuticles and keep on for 20 minutes before rinsing. Never blow-dry soaking wet hair, or you'll end up frying your strands. Allow it to air-dry for a bit before using the dryer." Rod Anker

Keep your eyes as natural as possible. Start with an under-eye concealer to cover imperfections. To prevent your eyeliner from smudging, use a nude eye pencil on your lid, as close to the lash line as possible, and apply eyeliner over it." Anil Chinappa. "Never go beyond the crease line/socket of the eye while applying your eyeshadow. It looks dated, and too much colour will make your eyes look smaller." Clint Fernandes 

"If you have thin lips, start by using a thin cream concealer to make your upper and lower lip even-toned. Allow it to dry, then use a nude pencil to outline your mouth. Start from the outside and follow your lip line as close to the outline as possible. When moving towards the cupid's bow, go a little outside your lip line and build your lips by filling in colour." Anil Chinappa 

"Eat more protein if your hair is limp, lifeless, and taking time to grow. Good sources of protein include eggs, lean meat and fish, beans and seeds, wholegrains, and low-fat dairy or soy products." Daniel Bauer

"Replace your powder blush with a cream, mousse or gel-based version. A liquid-y blush not only lasts longer, but also gives you a warm flushed glow, instead of a fake pop of colour." Namrata Soni

Source: by google:

How to know when your beauty product expires

An important part of skin care is following makeup hygiene. So here’s all you need to
 know about makeup hygiene

Does your makeup have a shelf life?
Makeup hygiene is the best way to keep unpleasant skin infections away. No amount of cleansing, toning and moisturising will help keeping your skin clear if you don’t practice makeup hygiene.
Tips for makeup hygiene
Don’t leave your makeup container open
Ensure you close your makeup containers tightly after using them. This way, dust and germs from the surroundings won’t get into your cosmetics and they will remain in a good condition for longer. Cosmetics do contain certain preservatives to inhibit growth of bacteria, but if you don’t store them correctly, germs are likely to make it their home.
Always, store your makeup and cosmetics in room temperature — best — inside a cupboard. Putting them someplace too hot, where there is direct sunlight would mean providing germs a safe haven to thrive. Anything above 29 degree Celsius becomes dangerous for makeup storage.

Do not add water or saliva to your makeup!
Do not add water to makeup. Water can wash off the effects of any preservatives added to the makeup, making it more vulnerable to bacteria growth. And there’s nothing worse you can do than add saliva. Saliva can open a gateway for germs. It can spread bacteria from your mouth (where it might be harmless) to your eyes, which are very sensitive.
Do not share your makeup with anybody, and most importantly with strangers.
Sharing makeup with anybody can spread germs, which is why, it’s a big NO.
Do not share makeup with strangers, and by this we are referring to trying on the latest lipstick or eye-pencil at a store’s makeup counter. If you must try something out, insist on a disposable applicator, read-up on cleaning procedures (check if they follow them) or request for a new tester product, if necessary.
Toss out your makeup at regular intervals:  
Most cosmetics don’t mention an expiry date. And the problem is that there are some makeup products that can expire faster than normal if not stored properly. All this means you have to decide when it’s time to toss your makeup products.
Since eyes constitute one of the most sensitive areas of the body susceptible to disease, you must be extra careful about how long you use your mascara, eyeliner or cream-based kajal. The closed container creates a dark environment, which can be a breeding ground for germs.
It’s best to throw out your eye makeup after three months. If you have exposed it to drastic temperature changes, or it smells odd throw it out sooner. If you have had an eye infection, then no matter how short a period of time you’ve had those eye makeup products, replace them all immediately.
Coming to liquid products like liquid concealer, foundation, creamy-formula eye shadow and blush, throw them out after three months.
When it comes to powder-based products, which contain a little water, you can keep them for up to two years. These include, powder eye shadow, eye pencil, lip liner, compact powder, blush and bronze etc. However, if the colour of the cosmetic changes or it starts to smell, throw it out immediately.
Once every week or two, clean your makeup brushes
Makeup brushes can be a fertile breeding ground for germs. First, make sure you wipe them with a tissue after use. And every week or two, clean them with soap and water, this is how:
Take a mug of warm water, and mix in a mild cleanser. You can also use your shampoo or body wash to do this.  Place your makeup brush in. Leave for a couple of minutes, then gently twirl it around. Then dip it in an antiseptic solution. Rinse under running water, and allow it to air dry. Make sure you wash your brushes individually.
Wash your makeup sponges every week and replace them at regular intervals
Makeup sponges with their large surface area can be a safe haven for bacteria growth. When your sponge starts to wear out due to regular washing, it’s time for you to replace it. Also, after a while no amount of washing is going to leave your sponge sparkling clean… so then chuck it out and buy a new one.  For washing, follow the same procedure mentioned above.